Mucha Lucha is Mr. Mehikano's newborn blog inspired by Lucha Libre, the colorful and acrobatic tradition of Mexican pro-wrestling - where wrestlers never ever remove their faithful masks... but thats not what this blog is all about...STAY TUNED!
"This is our new 2011 Promo Mix containing a lot Funky Breaks as well some very hard breakbeat and dubstep stuff. Featuring a few of our favorite Artists which impressed us a lot with the following tracks. Enjoy and download if you like it! "
For the complete tracklist and more info on the Groove Fellaz do checkout their soundcloud
TELEPHUNKEN are a band with a long career and are known for animating elements of funk, fusion, Latin, jazz, raggamuffin, with a breakbeat background. Led by Ernesto Sanchez ( DJ TELEPHUNKEN) on the Live Show format, he performs with other musicians like Fernando Parrilla (drums) and Sergio Zamarvide (Bass and VJ). They have toured around countries like England, France, Mexico, Sweden, Colombia, Czech Republic.In addition to their live performances as a band, Ernesto Sanchez and performs solo as DJ Telephunken. In his choice of music he also includes various genres of breakbeat, nu-funk, mashups, dubstep ... etc., which as a whole make his DJ set very interesting and diverse. We here at Mucha Lucha decided to provide the audience an up, close and personal interview with the Telephunken crew to give you a better idea what to expect for the upcoming clubnight...
TELEPHUNKEN je bend sa dugogodišnjom karijerom i prepoznatljivi su po mješanju elemenata funk, fusion, latino, jazz, raggamuffin muzike sa breakbeat pozadinom. Na čelu s Ernesto Sanchez (DJ Telephunken) u live show formatu kao bend se još pridružuju muzički dvojac Fernando Parrilla (bubnjevi) i Sergio Zamarvide (Bass i VJ). Dosada su imali više uspješnih turneja po zemljama kao što su Engleska, Francuska, Meksiko, Švedska, Kolumbija, Češka Republika...itd.Pored njihovih live nastupa kao bend, Ernesto Sanchez nastupa i solo kao DJ Telephunken. U njegov izbor muzike se ubrajaju različiti žanrovi, od breakbeat-a, funk-a, mashups, dubstep...itd., a sve to kao jedna cijelina čini njegov DJ set jako zanimljivim i prepoznatljivim. Mi ovdje u Mucha Lucha smo odlućili približiti publici sve što čini Telephunken kroz jedan kratki intervju kako bi vas što bolje informisali šta možete očekivati od ove klupske večeri koja nam se približava...
1.First of all, you probably get this question all time and even if I know the answer I guess many people will find it out for the first time...How did you guys get the name Telephunken for the band, and of course how did you start up; was it first just a DJ act or did you know from start that it would be a band?
Prije svega, svakodnevno dobijate ovo pitanje, i čak iako ja lično znam odgovor vjerovatno će mnogima biti ovo prvi put da saznaju...Kako ste dobili ime Telephunken za band? I naravno, kako ste počeli, da li ste od početka znali da ćete biti band?
The name came from an old Telefunken TV in my parents house. I was looking for a name for my project and then that old TV was in front of me. It sounded great to me as it sounds as a weird funky thing. At the beginning I was doing tunes to play on my DJ sets and then a friend of mine sent it to a Spanish label called “BOA”. They release mostly Spanish rap but they liked the tunes and offered me an album, so i did it… then the first time the album was played on national radio people from clubs called me to book us for gigs as they think it was a band not a DJ, so i decided to talk to some old friends and do the live band… that was in 1999 so we played as a band for 12 years now.
Ime je došlo od starog Telephunken televizora u kući mojih roditelja, tražio sam ime i taj stari televizor je bio ispred mene. Zvučalo je odlično, a u isto vrijeme i čudno i funky. U početku sam radio sa melodijama na svojim DJ setovima i onda ih je moj prijatelj poslao španskoj izdavačkoj kući koja se zove BOA. Najviše su izdavali španski rap, ali pošto su im se svidjele moje melodije, ponudili su mi album i to sam i uradio...kada je album prvi put pušten na nacionalnom radiju, ljudi iz klubova su me zvali i tražili da nastupamo misleći da smo bend a ne samo jedan DJ, tako da sam odlučio da pričam sa nekim starim prijateljima i da sviramo i kao je bilo 1999 godine, tako da sviramo kao bend već 12 godina.
2. What is the key ingredient behind Telephunken and how would you best describe the music you make?
Koji je glavni “sastojak” koji stoji iza Telephunkena i kako bi najbolje opisali vašu muziku?
Mostly it is to mix whatever you like, I don´t think there’s any music that doesn’t fit in our sound so I try anything that sounds interesting from Metal to flamenco, or a church choir.
Uglavnom je to mix svega što volite, mislim da ne postoji muzika koja se ne uklapa u naš zvuk, tako da pokušavam bilo šta sto zvuči interesantno, od metala do flamenca ili crkvenog hora.
3. As a band and / or just as a DJ ( Ernesto C. ), you guys have travelled and toured to some very interesting parts of the world...what and where was the highlight of your show as a band or for just you Ernesto as a DJ ?
Kao bend i/ili samo DJ (Ernesto C.), putovali ste na dosta interesantnih mjesta u svijetu...Šta i gdje je bio vaš vrhunac karijere kao benda ili individualno samo tebe Ernesto kao DJ-a?
A lot of things happen to us on our tours… mostly good things. A really special one for me was last year in Argelia with lots of people that stayed ‘till 10 in the gig and half the crowd left after since girls are not allowed to be so late on the streets, but anyway they were dancing to club music with lots of police around ‘till 10… it was amazing to see people with such a different culture just having fun with our music.
Dosta nam se stvari dešava na turnejama...obično su to dobre stvari, posebno mjesto za mene je bilo prošle godine u Argelii gdje se zaista odazvalo dosta ljudi, party je trajao do 10 i pola mase je otišlo jer djevojkama nije dozvoljeno da budu do tako kasno na ulicama, ali svakako su plesali uz klubsku muziku i pored dosta policije prisutne do 10 sati...bilo je fascinantno vidjeti ljude sa tako drugačijom kulturom a da se zabavljaju uz našu muziku.
4. How do you feel about doing this show for the Mucha Lucha clubnight in Sarajevo and what can the audience here expect?
Kako se osjećate što ćete nastupati na Mucha Lucha Clubnight party-u u Sarajevu, i šta publika može očekivati?
I´m stoked to play in Sarajevo, I had lots of good feedback from friends that already played there, and can’t wait to be in Sarajevo.
We are going to do our live band show with some new stuff that we are going to play for the first time, and I´m working in a new DJ set as i have so much new stuff that I decide to do brand new in Sarajevo, so expect lots of new and never heard fat beats...
Jako sam uzbuđen da sviram u Sarajevu, ćuo sam dosta pozitivnih komentara od prijatelja koji su već svirali tamo i jedva čekam da stignemo u Sarajevo.
Pripremamo naš show uživo sa nekim novim stvarima koje ćemo svirati po prvi put, i radim sa novim DJ setom jer imam toliko novih stvari koje želim da uradim po prvi put u Sarajevu, tako da očekujte dosta novih i nikada prije “viđenih” jakih ritmova...
5. As Telephunken, musically you mix perfectly as a band and DJ all kinds of genres into one show and all of them have one thing in common: they are best applied on the dancefloor. What does Telephunken listen to when at home and not playing to make the crowd move?
Kao Telephunken, muzički savršeno miksate kao bend i kao DJ jako mnogo žanrova u samo jednom nastupu, i svi oni imaju jednu zajedničku stvar a to je da su najbolje primijenjeni na plesnom podiju. Šta Telephunken sluša kada su kod kuće i kada ne sviraju za masu ljudi?
Lots of different things… I love funk and hip hop music but I also listen to pop or flamenco or anything...
Dosta različitih stvari... ja volim funk i hip-hop ali također slušam pop ili flamenco ili bilo šta...
6. I find your music to be sometimes especially in the earlier days very similar to the sounds of Alex Gimeno, better known as Ursula 1000, but just as music generally evolves and new styles are brought to the dancefloor, both you guys and Ursula 1000 have adopted some of these new sounds like dubstep , „glam rock“ or „ghettofunk“ into your production / DJ sets ... What do you think about these fatter beatsand tougher basslines - mixing these new and old sounds with samples together to produce something hot for the dancefloor?
Mislim da je vaša muzika, pogotovo u ranim danima, vrlo slična melodiji Alex Gimeno-a poznatijeg kao Ursula 1000. Baš kao što muzika u principu evoluira, novi stilovi se pojavljuju na plesnom podiju. I vi a i Ursula 1000 ste prihvatili nove zvukove kao što su dubstep, “glam rock”, ili “ghetto-funk” u vašim produkcijama/ DJ setovima... Šta vi mislite o ovim jačim zvucima i oštrijim bass linijama - kombinovanjem starih i novih zvukova da se dobije nešto potpuno novo za plesni podij?
Alex is our close friend so i think it is a good example since we have many things in common, I try to hear all the new stuff and new sounds, so I try to incorporate to our music anything that sounds good to me so it is something natural for us. I´m mostly in contact with everybody on the scene, we are like a family so I get lots of music from everybody and i try to listen to what they do. All the nufunk/ghettofunk/funky breaks scene is really helpful and open to the other producers, so I´m really happy to be a part of it.
Alex je blizak prijatelj i dobar je primjer jer imamo mnogo zajedničkih stvari, pokušavam da čujem sve nove stvari i nove zvukove tako da nastojim da uklopim u našu muziku sve što zvuči dobro što je prirodno za nas. U kontaktu sam sa skoro svima sa scene i mi smo kao porodica tako da dobijam dosta muzike od njih i pokušavam da poslušam i ono što oni rade.
Kompletna nufunk/ghettofunk/funky breaks scena zaista pomaže i otvoreni su prema drugim producentima tako da sam zaista sretan što sam dio toga.
7. How is the music scene today in Spain?
Kakva je muzička scena danas u Španiji?
Not too much on the nufunk thing, here we know all the bands but it is mostly indy pop music… we are the weird ones here.
Nema puno nufunk-a ovdje, znamo sve bendove, ali ovdje preovladava indy pop muzika...mi smo ti koji su čudni ovdje.
8. No more analytical questions I promise...what do you guys drink? Favorite food? :)
Dosta je bilo analitičkih pitanja, obečavam da ih neču više postavljati ...Šta volite da pijete? Omiljena hrana? :)
We love food, we spend lots of time deciding were to eat as we don't like fast food. We love to try the typical food of each place. About the drink…. we are Spanish that means we are professional drinkers so Beer, gin and tonic, tequila, mescal…. all is good for us.
Volimo hranu, dosta vremena provodimo u tome odlučujuci gdje ćemo da jedemo s obzirom da ne volimo brzu hranu. Volimo da probamo hranu koja je specifična za svako mjesto. Što se tiče pića...mi smo Španci što znači da smo profesionalci kada je u pitanju konzumacija alkohola tako da pivo, gin i tonic, tequila, mescal...sve je dobro za nas.
9. Do you guys have any hobbies beside what you do?
Osim toga šta još volite da radite, da li imate neke hobije?
I love video games.. I´m a geek. Right now I can´t wait no longer to have my Ocarina of time 3d copy.
Ja volim da igram video igrice...ja sam čudak. Trenutno ne mogu da dočekam da dobijem svoju “Ocarina of time” 3d kopiju.
10. Any favorite new songs out there? And who do you guys look up to from the present or past music scene?
Da li imate neke omiljene nove pjesme? I kome se vi divite u sadašnjoj ili prethodnoj muzičkoj sceni?
Lots… as I tell you we send our music to each other everyday so I mostly have anything that is going to be released in the next months, the new Nick Thayer ep to be released on Bomb strikes is awesome and the forthcoming featurecast too, Stickybuds is doing such amazing tracks too, and so do many others. This "new" scene, I think, is much better, lots of talented producers doing incredible music. I think it is just the beginning as the sound still needs to explode but is going to be huge.
Puno... kao što sam rekao mi šaljemo svoju muziku jedni drugima svaki dan, tako da obično imam sve što će biti izdato u idučim mjesecima, novi Nick Thayer ep, Bomb Strikes je odličan, Stickybuds također ima jako dobre nove pjesme, kao i mnogi drugi... Ova “nova” scena, po mom mišljenju, je mnogo bolja, mnogo talentiranih producenata stvara nevjerovatnu muziku i ja mislim da je ovo samo početak s obzirom da ovaj zvuk mora da eksplodira.
11. Well I think this is enough questions from us, I wont bother you anymore I promise :) We here at Mucha Lucha can’t wait to have you here and look forward to your show! Any final words?
Mislim da je bilo dovoljno pitanja od nas, neću vam više smetati obečavam :) Mi, ovdje u Mucha Lucha jedva čekamo vaš show i vas da dođete! Nešto za dodati?
We are looking forward for the show too so our final words are "Be prepared for the fat bass"
I mi se isto radujemo show-u i naše zadnje riječi su “Budite spremni za 'debeli' bas.”
Mucha Lucha in cooperation with the Spanish Embassy proudly presents volume two in the Mucha Lucha club night series. Special guests this time around are none other than Spains Telephunken! Telephunken will be performing on the 17th of june in BKC Sarajevo as a band + DJ set which means you will be getting 2 acts from these guys on the same night! Alongside Telephunken there will be local support from myself - Mr. Mehikano, and Repetitor VJz on visuals. More info on Telephunken and the entire event here and do also checkout the Mucha Lucha facebook fanpage.
Here are also some photos from the Mucha Lucha clubnight vol. 1 courtesy of photgrapher Vanja Lisac :
What else is there to say than c ya on the dancefloor ;)
Telephunken Ramp fm radio show June 2011 by Telephunken Enjoy this great new Ramp fm radio show for June 2011 with more than 2 hours of music and some fresh new hits all carefully selected by Telephunken with ofcourse 2 guest mixes included from Sergio Gomez and my man from Osijek, Croatia - Umbo.