
Rea Hadžiosmanović se počela baviti DJ-ingom 2004. godine, kada joj je dosadilo dosađivati drugim DJ-evima da vrte muziku koju ona želi čuti... Kroz sljedećih par pitanja Mucha Lucha vam rado predstavlja samo jedan mali dio onoga što čini Reu.
Rea Hadžiosmanović started DJ-ing in 2004, when she got bored of annoying other djs to spin the tunes she wanted to hear… In the next few questions Mucha Lucha is proud to give you a small portion of what Rea is all about.
Ćao Rea imamo par blic pitanja kako bi upoznali našu publiku s vama i vašim radom.
Hi Rea we have a few quick questions so that we can inform our audience better about you and your work.
1. Da li se radujete svom nastupu pred sarajevskom publikom ?
1. Are you excited to play for your upcoming show in front of our Sarajevo audience?
Hell yeah! Prošlo je više od godinu i pol od zadnjeg nastupa u Sarajevu, a svaki do sada je prošao odlično! Bio je tu Fis, So.ba, Access, Sa club…
Hell yeah! Its been more than a year and a half that I last had a gig in Sarajevo, and I must say that every show I had there so far stood out. Those were held in Fis, So.ba, Access, Sa club...etc.
2. Omiljeno piće?
Ummm… Kh, kh.. ovaaaaj.. Gusti sok? ;)
Ummm...Kh, Kh.. I guess it would be.. Juice ? :)
3. Omiljena hrana? :)
3.Favourite food? :)
Joj, hoće sad biti i pitanje najdraži predmet u školi? Sva mediteranska hrana, puno povrća i seafood. I čevapi, naravno!
Are you serious?!, are there gonna be more questions like favorite subject in high school? :) All mediterean food, lots of vegetables and seafood. And of course Čevapi !
4. Da li ste ljubomorni ? :)
Jesam, na DJ Ahmaada. Bio je u Brazilu na baile funku, goddamn lucky bastard!
You bet, Im jealous of DJ Ahmaad. He was in Brazil for the baile funk parties, goddamn lucky bastard!
5. Najdraži grad / klub / festival gdje si nastupala do sada ?
5. Favourite city / club / festival that you played as a DJ so far?
Bilo je tu raznih festivala i odlične publike u brojnim gradovima, ali još uvijek su mi najdraži naši mjesečni derneci koje organiziram s mojim Jabbanima, jednom mjesečno u kultnom zagrebačkom klubu KSET.
There were many festivals and great audiences in many cities, but my favourites are still when we host / organize our monthly parties with my JabbaTon crew in zagrebs cult club KSET.
6. Kako ukratko najbolje opisati muziku kojom se bavite i šta publika od muzičkih pravaca može očekivati na Mucha Lucha zabavi?
6. How would you best describe the music your into and what should our audience expect to hear at the Mucha Lucha club night?
Bućkuriš svega i svačega, od booty bassa, electra, uk funkyja, hip-hopa, dubstepa, do nu rave-a, MTV hitova i indie rocka. You betta put on your raving shoes!
A bowl of everything and anything, from booty bass, electro, uk funk, hip-hop, dubstep, nu rave to some MTV hits and indie rock. You betta put on your raving shoes!

7. Vi ste i jedan od članova JabbaTon Crew-a iz Zagreba, koja sa dosta uspijeha već dugi niz godina postoji na klupskoj sceni. Kako je sve počelo ?
7. You are one of the members of the JabbaTon Crew from Zagreb, that has succesfully and undoubtfully made a name for itself on the clubbing scene through out the years.
Jabba Crew je nastao prije 5 godina s ciljem promoviranja određenih britanskih elektronskih žanrova, poput grimea uk garagea i hip-hopa, ali s vremenom se priča proširila, pa je danas naš stil itekako eklektičan. Ono što je specifično za naše party-e jest nekakav karnevalski pristup, gdje se uz glazbu i vj-ing uključuju i razne drugi elementi: turntablism, MC-evi, live nastupi, tematske večeri, dress codeovi, plesači/ce, dekoracija kluba, pravljenje palačinki I muffina za posjetitelje, uz neizostavnu rakiju dobrodošlice. Ja sam se JabbaTonu priključila prije nekih 3 godine, nakon dugogodišnjeg vrbovanja. Skupo su morali platiti taj transfer. ;)
Jabba Crew was founded some 5 years ago with the main goal to promote various UK electronic genres like grime, UK garage and hip-hop, but with time our story evolved and spread into some other genres so you could say that our style today is eclectic. One thing that is specific for our parties is somewhat of a carnival approach where alongside the music and visuals we engage some other elements : turntablism, MCs, live acts, theme nights, dress codes, dancers, decoration of the club, making pancakes and muffins for our visitors with the inevitable welcome rakija drink. I became a member of JabbaTon some 3 years ago after some heavy negotiations. The transfer cost them a lot of money. :)
8. Koliko dugo ste već u muzičkom svijetu?
8. How long are you in the music business?
Sad će na ljeto biti već 7 godina. A počelo je s nevinim odlaskom na tečaj DJ-inga, između spremanja ispita na fakultetu.
This summer it will be exactly 7 years. It all started with the casual visit to the course for DJ-ing in between my studies for my faculty.
9. Kako održavate vaš odnos sa publikom?
9. How do you maintain your relationship with the audience?
Gustim sokom…hah Recimo, ne volim jako povišene stageve, draže mi je kad sam tu negdje, među publikom, jer onda je i osjećaj prisnosti veći. Isto tako, nemam problema s muzičkim željama, ukoliko su u skladu s konceptom večeri i moga seta. Ne, recimo, da me usred pjesme Major Lazera pitaju za Justina Biebera. I da, primam mito. ;)
With some juice.. :) I would say I prefer the stage not to be so high. I enjoy it when Im there somewhere around the audience because it makes the whole situation more intimate. I also dont have a problem with people ordering songs if they are in proportion with the concept of the certain club night and ofcourse my set. Obviously not if they ask to play a song from Justin Bieber in the middle of a Major Lazer track . And yeah I do take bribes. ;)
10. Omiljeno godišnje doba? I zašto? :)
10. Favourite season? And why? :)
Ljetoooo! Od septembra ga počnem iščekivati. Zašto? Sunce, more, riva, nema škole, sladoled, haljinice, japanke, lubenica, dušek na napuhavanje, muzički festivali.
Summer ! Already from september I start missing it. Why ? Sunshine, sea, boardwalks, school is out, ice cream, short skirts, flipflops, watermelons, inflatable mattress, music festivals.
11. Bavite li se muzičkom produkcijom?
11. Are you into music production?
Ne. Oduvijek me je više zanimao turntablism nego produkcija, a i jedno i drugo zahtjevaju jako mnogo vremena i predanosti. Posljednjih godinu dana radim i u jednoj muzičkoj firmi, pa sam se puno posvetila i tom dijelu karijere. Vodim kreativni i A&R odjel kompanije IDM Music, najveće music publishing kompanije na prostoru ex-Yu.
No. I have always been more interested in turntablism than production and since both need lots of spare time and dedication I chose to stick with turntablism. Since last year I am also working in a music company so I have dedicated myself in doing that as part of my career. I run the creative and the A & R department of IDM Music, the biggest publishing company in the ex-Yugoslavia region.

12. Vaše mišljenje o dj sceni u regionu?
12. Your thoughts of the entire dj scene in the region?
Nemam zamjerki. Tu ima zaista predivnih, kreativnih, entuzijastičnih i talentiranih ljudi, s kojima se jako volim družiti i poslovno i privatno. Sadržaja u svakom slučaju ima, nimalo ne zaostajemo za najvećim trendovima u svjetskoj elektronskoj muzici. Pitanje je jedino koliko je taj entuzijazam isplativ kad vam na party koji ste mjesec dana najavljivali, potrošili puno vremena i novaca, dođe 50-tak ljudi. Ali nismo tu prvenstveno zbog slave i para, zar ne?
I dont have any resentments. There are many beautiful, creative, enthusiastic and talented people with whom I like to hang around with for business or pleasure. In any case there is plenty of stuff going on and I have to say that we are not far away from the biggest trends in the world of electronic music. The only question that remains is how much all that effort and enthusiasm is worth it to organize a party that you have been preparing for a month, spending time and money when 50 people show up. But on the other hand we are not here for the money or fame, am I right?
13. Nama najdraže pitanje - imate li želju nekoga pozdraviti? :)
13. Our favorite question - Do you have someone special to say hi to ? :)
Mamu i tatu, ako čitaju ovo.
Mom and dad, if they are reading this.
I za kraj mi se radujemo vašem dolasku
And atlast we are looking forward to your arrival
Puno pozdrava,
One love,
Mucha Lucha Team :)
Mucha Lucha Team :)
For more info on DJ Rea hop on to her myspace or facebook fanpage